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Todas las ROMs de Super Nintendo

Antiguo 18-jul-2011, 21:23
Rix Rix esta en línea ahora
Old School EMD
Fecha de Ingreso: julio-2007
Ubicación: Piedras Negras,Coahuila!!!...en mexico wey ¬¬
Mensajes: 3,834
Predeterminado re: Todos los ROMs de Super Nintendo (SNES)

A&S NES Hacks
A.S.P. Air Strike Patrol
AAAHH!!! Real Monsters
ABC Monday Night Football
Accele Brid
Ace wo Nerae!
Acrobat Mission
Action Pachio
ActRaiser 2
AD&D - Eye of the Beholder
Addams Family Values
Addams Family, The
Addams Family, The - Pugsley's Scavenger Hunt
Adventures of Batman & Robin, The
Adventures of Dr. Franken, The
Adventures of Kid Kleets, The
Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends, The
Adventures of Tintin, The - Prisoners of the Sun
Aero Fighters
Aero the Acro-Bat
Aero the Acro-Bat 2
Aerobiz Supersonic
AIII S.V. - A Ressha de Gyoukou 3 Super Version
Air Cavalry
Akazukin Cha Cha
Al Unser Jr's Road to the Top
Albert Odyssey
Albert Odyssey 2 - Jashin no Taidou
Alice no Paint Adventure
Alien 3
Alien vs. Predator
All-American Championship Football
Amazing Spider-Man, The - Lethal Foes
America Oudan Ultra Quiz
American Battle Dome
American Gladiators
An American Tail - Fievel Goes West
Ancient Magic - Bazoo! Mahou Sekai
Andre Agassi Tennis
Aoki Densetsu Shoot!
Apocalypse II
Arabian Nights - Sabaku no Seirei Ou
Araiguma Rascal
Arcade's Greatest Hits
Arcade's Greatest Hits - The Atari Collection 1
Archer MacLean's Dropzone
Arcus Spirits
Ardy Lightfoot
Aretha II - Ariel no Fushigi na Tabi
Arkanoid - Doh It Again
Arkanoid NES - Converted by POPC0RN (NES Hack)
Art of Fighting
Asahi Shinbun Rensai - Katou Ichi-Ni-San Shougi - Shingiryuu
Asameshimae Nyanko
Ashita no Joe
Asterix & Obelix
Atlas, The - Renaissance Voyager

Última edición por Rix fecha: 07-ago-2011 a las 01:18. Razón: Avanzando lento pero avanzando
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Antiguo 18-jul-2011, 22:44
Avatar de MrBushidoJ
Old School EMD
Fecha de Ingreso: octubre-2010
Ubicación: Desnudo en un desagüe.
Mensajes: 3,350
Predeterminado re: Todos los ROMs de Super Nintendo (SNES)

Última edición por MrBushidoJ fecha: 01-ago-2011 a las 23:39. Razón: aun me faltan agregar más en ambas letras, weitin ...
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Antiguo 19-jul-2011, 22:24
Avatar de Carlini32
Maestro del foro
Fecha de Ingreso: marzo-2009
Ubicación: Colombia
Mensajes: 2,420
Predeterminado re: Todos los ROMs de Super Nintendo (SNES)


Daffy Duck - The Marvin Missions
Dan Dan Belt Conveyor
Darius Force
Darius Twin
Dark Half
Dark Kingdom
Dark Law - Meaning of Death
David Crane's Amazing Tennis
Daze Before Christmas
Dead Dance
Dear Boys
Death and Return of Superman
Death Brade
Dekitate High School
Demolition Man
Demon's Crest
Dennis the Menace
Der Langrisser
Derby Stallion '96
Derby Stallion '98
Derby Stallion II
Derby Stallion III
Desert Fighter
Desert Strike - Return to the Gulf
Dig & Spike Volleyball
Dikuritsu Sensou
Dimension Force
Dino City
Dino Dini's Soccer
Dirt Racer
Dirt Trax FX
Donald Duck - Maui Mallard
Donald Duck - Maui Mallard in Cold Shadow
Donkey Kong Country
Donkey Kong Country 2 - Diddy's Kong Quest
Donkey Kong Country 3 - Dixie Kong's Double Trouble
Doom Troopers
Doomsday Warrior
Doraemon - Nobita to Yosei no Kuni
Doraemon 2 - Nobita no Toys Land Daibouken
Doraemon 3 - Nobita to Toki no Hogyoku
Doraemon 4 - Nobita to Tuki no Okoku
Dossun! Ganseki Battle
Double Dragon V - The Shadow Falls
Down the World - Mervil's Ambition
Dragon - The Bruce Lee Story
Dragon Ball Z - Hyper Dimension
Dragon Ball Z - Super Butouden
Dragon Ball Z - Super Butouden 2
Dragon Ball Z - Super Butouden 3
Dragon Ball Z - Super Gokuuden Kakusei Hen
Dragon Ball Z - Super Gokuuden Totsugeki Hen
Dragon Ball Z - Super Saiya Densetsu
Dragon Knight 4
Dragon Quest I & II
Dragon Quest III
Dragon Quest V
Dragon Quest VI
Dragon Slayer - Eiyuu Densetsu
Dragon Slayer - Eiyuu Densetsu II
Dragon View
Dragon's Earth
Dragon's Lair
Dream Basketball - Dunk and Hoop
Drift King - Shutokou Battle '94
Drift King - Shutokou Battle 2
Dual Orb
Dual Orb II
Dungeon Master
Dynami Tracer
Dynamic Stadium
Dynamite the Las Vegas

Última edición por Carlini32 fecha: 22-jul-2011 a las 00:46. Razón: Terminada :3 ah por la otra xD
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Antiguo 21-jul-2011, 02:10
Avatar de Obelfer C.
Old School EMD
Fecha de Ingreso: agosto-2008
Ubicación: El jardín de la niebla
Mensajes: 3,475
Predeterminado re: Todos los ROMs de Super Nintendo (SNES)


F-1 Grand Prix
F-1 Grand Prix Part II
F-1 Grand Prix Part III
F-ZERO Grand Prix 2
F1 Pole Position
F1 Pole Position 2
F1 ROC - Race of Champions
F1 ROC II - Race of Champions
F1 World Championship Edition
Faceball 2000
Famicom Bunko - Hajimari no Mori
Famicom Tantei Club Part II
Family Dog.
Family Feud
Farland Story 2
Farland Story
Fatal Fury 2
Fatal Fury Special
Fatal Fury
Feda - The Emblem of Justice
Fenek - June Edition
FIFA 97 - Gold Edition
FIFA 98 - Road to World Cup
FIFA International Soccer
FIFA Soccer 96
Fighter's History
Final Fantasy - Mystic Quest
Final Fantasy II
Final Fantasy III
Final Fantasy V
Final Fight 2
Final Fight 3
Final Fight Guy
Final Fight
Final Knockout
Final Set Tennis
Final Stretch
Fire Emblem - Monshou no Nazo
Fire Emblem - Seisen no Keifu
Fire Emblem - Thraki 776
Fire Pro Joshi - All Star Dream Slam.
Fire Striker
Firemen, The
Firepower 2000
First Queen - Ornic Senki
First Samurai
Fishing Koushien
Flashback - The Quest for Identity
Flintstones, The
Flintstones, The - The Treasure of Sierra Madrock
Flying Hero - Bugyuru no Daibouken
Football Fury
Foreman For Real
Fortune Quest - Dice wo Korogase
Frank Thomas' Big Hurt Baseball
Frantic Flea
From TV Animation Slam Dunk - Dream Team Shueisha Limited
From TV Animation Slam Dunk - SD Heat Up!!
From TV Animation Slam Dunk - Shikyou Gekitotsu!!
From TV Animation Slam Dunk 2 - IH Yosen Kanzenhan!!
Front Mission
Front Mission - Gun Hazard
Full Throttle Racing
Fun 'N Games
Funaki Masakatsu Hybrid Wrestler - Tougi Denshou
Fune Tarou
Furoito no Chousenjou
Fushigi no Dungeon 2 - Fuurai no Shiren

Última edición por Obelfer C. fecha: 21-jul-2011 a las 20:48.
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Antiguo 21-jul-2011, 02:23
Avatar de Obelfer C.
Old School EMD
Fecha de Ingreso: agosto-2008
Ubicación: El jardín de la niebla
Mensajes: 3,475
Predeterminado re: Todos los ROMs de Super Nintendo (SNES)


G.O.D - Mezameyo to Yobu Koe ga Kikoe
Gaia Saver
Gakkou de Atta Kowai Hanashi
Galaxy Robo
Galaxy Wars
Gamars Puzzle
Gamars Super Disk FC-301 Copier BIOS
Gambler Jikochuushinha - Mahjong Kouisen
Gambler Jikochuushinha 2 - Dorapon Quest
Gambling Hourouki
Game Doctor SF BIOS
Game Genie BIOS
Game no Tatsujin
Game no Tetsujin - The Shanghai
Gamera - Gyaosu Gekimetsu Sakusen
Gan Gan Ganchan
Ganbare Daiku no Gensan
Ganbare Goemon - Boku ga Dancer ni Natta Riyuu - Kirakira Douchuu
Ganbare Goemon 2 - Kiteretsu Shougun Magginesu
Ganbare Goemon 3 - Shishi Juurokubei no Karakuri Manjigatame
Ganpuru - Gunman's Proof
Ganso Pachi-Slot Nippon'ichi
Ganso Pachinko Ou
GD Leen
Gegege no Kitarou - Fukkatsu! Tenma Daiou
Gegege no Kitarou - Youkai Donjara
Gekisou Sentai Car Rangers
Gekitotsu Dangan Jidousha Kessen - Battle Mobile
Gekitou Burning Pro Wrestling
Gekkan Coin Toss Deck 1
Genghis Khan II - Clan of the Gray Wolf
Genjuu Ryodan
Genocide 2
George Foreman's KO Boxing
Getsumen no Anubis
Ghost Chaser Densei.
Ghoul Patrol
Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu - Senjutsu Simulation
Ginga Sengoku Gunyuuden Rai
Gintama Oyakata no Jissen Pachinko Hisshouhou
Go Go Ackman 2
Go Go Ackman 3
Go Go Ackman
Go! Go! Dodge League
Godzilla - Kaijuu Daikessen
Gokinjo Boukentai
Gokujou Parodius
Goods Press
Goof Troop
Gourmet Sentai - Bara Yarou
GP-1 Part II
Gradius III
Granhistoria - Genshi Sekaiki
Great Battle Gaiden 2, The
Great Battle III, The
Great Battle IV, The
Great Battle V, The
Great Circus Mystery Starring Mickey & Minnie, The
Great Waldo Search, The
GS Mikami - Joreishi ha Nice Body
GT Racing
Gunforce - Battle Fire Engulfed Terror Island

Última edición por Obelfer C. fecha: 08-ago-2011 a las 23:40.
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Antiguo 21-jul-2011, 02:39
Avatar de Kyrie
Tsundere Cake ♫
Fecha de Ingreso: mayo-2007
Ubicación: Chile
Mensajes: 6,888
Predeterminado re: Todos los ROMs de Super Nintendo (SNES)


Haisei Mahjong Ryouga
Hakunetsu Pro Yakyuu '93 - Ganba League
Hakunetsu Pro Yakyuu '94 - Ganba League 3
HAL's Hole in One Golf
Hamelin no Violin Tamaki
Hammerlock Wrestling
Hana no Keiji - Kumo no Kanata ni
Hanafuda Ou
Hanjuku Eiyuu - Aah Sekai yo Hanjuku Nare
Hanna Barbera's Turbo Toons
Hanyuu Meijin no Omoshiro Shougi
Haou Taikei - Ryuu Knight
Hardball III
Harley's Humongous Adventure
Harukanaru Augusta
Harukanaru Augusta 2 - Masters
Harukanaru Augusta 3 - Masters New
Harvest Moon
Hashire Hebereke
Hat Trick Hero 2
Hatayama Hatch no Pro Yakyuu News! Jitsumei Han
Hayashi Kaihou Kudan no Igo Oodou
Hayazashi Nidan Morita Shougi
Hayazashi Nidan Morita Shougi 2
Head-On Soccer
Hebereke no Oishii Puzzle - ha Irimasen ka
Hebereke's Popoitto
Hebereke's Popoon
Heian Fuuunden
Heisei Gunjin Shougi
Heisei Inu Monogatari Bow - Pop'n Smash!!
Heisei Shin Onigashima
Heiwa Pachinko World
Heiwa Pachinko World 2
Heiwa Pachinko World 3
Heiwa Parlor! Mini 8 - Pachinko Jikki Simulation Game
Herakles no Eikou III - Kamigami no Chinmoku
Herakles no Eikou IV - Kamigami Kara no Okurimono
Hero Senki - Project Olympus
Higashio Osamu Kanshuu Super Pro Yakyuu Stadium
Hiouden - Mamono-tachi to no Chikai
Hiryuu no Ken S
Hissatsu Pachinko Collection
Hissatsu Pachinko Collection 2
Hissatsu Pachinko Collection 3
Hissatsu Pachinko Collection 4
Hisshou 777 Fighter - Pachi-Slot Ryuuguu Densetsu
Hisshou 777 Fighter II - Pachi-Slot Maruhi Jouhou
Hisshou 777 Fighter III - Kokuryuu Ou no Fukkatsu
Hisshou Pachi-Slot Fun
Hit the Ice
Hokuto no Ken 5
Hokuto no Ken 6
Hokuto no Ken 7
Holy Umbrella - Dondera no Mubo!!
Home Alone
Home Alone 2 - Lost in New York
Home Improvement
Honkaku Mahjong - Tetsuman
Honkaku Mahjong - Tetsuman 2
Honkaku Shougi - Fuunji Ryuou
Honkakuha Igo - Gosei
Honke Sankyo Fever - Jikkyou Simulation
Honke Sankyo Fever - Jikkyou Simulation 2
Honke Sankyo Fever - Jikkyou Simulation 3
Honoo no Doukyuuji - Dodge Danpei
Horai Gakuen no Bouken!
Houkago in Beppin Jogakuin
Human Baseball
Human Grand Prix III - F1 Triple Battle
Human Grand Prix IV - F1 Dream Battle
Humans, The
Hungry Dinosaurs
Hunt for Red October, The
Hurricanes, The
Hyper Iria
Hyper V-Ball
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